Welcome to My World of Warcraft Blog
Reins of the Drake of the North Wind.
Well this blog post is going to be hard to do. The reason for this is because I love all my mounts. I have got all my mounts myself, obviously. I said that because some people pay people to do things on their accounts, I do NOT agree on that, you should play on your own account and have fun, not pay for people to farm/buy things for you. I have seen people lose everything, from paying for gold on gold farming websites all the time. My account got hacked once from a gold farmer and they took almost everything. I thank blizzard for have their support for the people that get their accounts hacked; to keep this story short I got my things back. Thanks blizzard for helping me.

Reins of the Onyx Cloud Serpent.
Well back to the post topic, my favorite mount would have to be the Reins of the Drake of the North Wind when I get this mount I didn’t really know that I got it when I was in the dungeon. When I get out of the dungeon I found it in my bags. I was really happy to see that I had gotten the mount, but the mount could have been better if I noticed it before I used my other ground mount to ride all the way to the other side of Uldum. I didn’t want to use any other mount at the time of getting this mount. All the mounts looked not that great to use. One other thing is that all the people were yelling in the chat at me to get the mount and I didn’t realize that, that’s what they were mad about, silly me. Another mount that I don't have that I find cool and awesome to see my character on is the Reins of the Onyx Cloud Serpent, that mount I would love to get and use everyday, but for right now I love my Drake of the North Winds. Check back for more posts tomorrow. 

Well this might take a little time to type…

…Today I’m playing Horde, that’s only because all my friends play horde I love to play alliance. Before you go running off thinking that I’m alliance (because I know some people do that). I love the alliance because of how I started playing World of Warcraft. I started playing WoW a few years back now and I couldn’t have been happier at the time. Right now I don’t feel as good playing WoW because all my friends are on the side that I don’t like at all, but I play it because I want to be in my friends guild and play WoW with my friends and guild mates.

I have always wanted to go back to the Alliance, but every time I do my friends want to raid or do a dungeon but I wouldn’t be on the same side. So it’s hard to play World of Warcraft with that. Half the time I don’t know what to do. I want to be on the Alliance side to be happier then I’m on the Horde, but I want to be with my friends on the Horde side.
Anyway, it always seems like I need to have a character on both sides, but I can only work on one side at a time. I go from one side to the other at times. Right now I’m playing on alliance side with this really nice guild that is helpful and nice. You know how long I have been looking for a guild that is helpful and nice? A long time. Anyways I hope I can get to more posts this week, thanks for understanding.

  • PvE= Player vs. Environment
  • PvP= Player vs. Player
  • RP= Role playing
Today’s topic is one of the topics I wanted to talk about for quite sometime. There are two things I like in World of Warcraft and those things are:

  • PvE –raiding and dungeons
  • RP –Player housing (if anyone would like to play that style with me)

Now on to the Blog Post...
Some people prefer PvP all the time, for me that is not the way I play WoW mostly because I find that PvP is not fun at all. The reason I don’t find this fun at all is because all the people that play PvP are all geared out to the max. A week after new gear is released people already has the top gear you can get. To me that is not fun, when you see someone trying to get gear to be better at the game and the people with the top gear are killing the ones that are trying their hardest to gear up. I have tried to play PvP several times from the time that I started playing to present day.

Now for PvE, that’s a different story because I really like PvE. Since questing is a part of PvE it makes my love the PvE category. I love to quest as you probably know from my other posts, also dungeons are in the list that I do all the time. Like PvP you have to get geared to go anywhere in raids or anything that is related to the raiding. Well to be honest the whole game is gear related, you have to get the gear to be able to anything in the game. But the good thing is the PvE version of gear that you need to do better dungeons and raids are easy to get for the people that don’t want to work that hard to get.  Anyways to get on with this post I’m going to talk about the last thing in the question “RP”.

I have never played on an RP realm for a long time. I have not really RP at all during my play time in World of Warcraft. I love the idea of Role Playing in WoW but I can never find anyone to role play with. The people in the game rarely role play, I don’t know why but not a lot of people find it should be a part of the game. I think it’s a nice part of the game that is never used. I love to find someone who would love to Role Play on WoW.

Well I’m hopefully going to feel better but for now I will try and push out the posts. I feel way better then I did this morning, so that is a good sign. 

Mogu King.
My favorite piece of lore? Well I have to think about that, i guess it has to be the lore of the Mogu. I love how it’s a part of all the nice raids that are out in MoP. I love this expansion that has come out. I think it’s the best expansion lore wise that has hit the game since BC (Burning Crusade) the whole Mogu race should have been a race in the game but then again that would not make the Mogu look bad on the Pandarian race. Then the lore would be not that fun to learn and play through. Anyways this post might be a short one because today I’m sick and I can’t really think of ideas. Well what I think is the Mogu is still a new lore topic that has been interdicted to the World of Warcraft, so I don’t know that much about it yet. What I do know is I’m still looking forward to playing through the Mogu’s lore and learn a bit more about the Mogu race. 

My Worgen Druid.
Well today I want to start with something I got in LFR (Looking for Raid). I was doing LFR for the 3rd time ever on my paladin and I just wanted to share what I got and my experiences were today in the LFR. What I got today was Beads of the Mogu’shi. As you can see I like to share what I get in Raid and dungeon that I think is a nice addition to my gear.

Photo of the Worgen City/Starting Area.
Anyways back to my question “your favorite quest line?” I have done a lot of quest line in my adventures, so it’s like me trying to label a dungeon that is my favorite so I’m going to try and see if I can come up with my favorite so far. It has to be the Worgen starting are and that big long quest chain. I love the English style to the quest area. Another thing is I really like the style of the English people in England. That’s my opinion, and no one can change that. I like the Worgen quest line because I like the race so much and also the style, as said above. Anyways I’m leveling up a Worgen today has I write this post. So check back for my information about that character. There are a lot of quest lines in the world of Warcraft and that makes the game fun when you have something to do every time you log on. Well, that is it I guess, for this post anyways. Check back tomorrow for a new post. Thanks for reading.

Deamines Loading Screen.
First of all I love to do dungeons all day on WoW and because of that it’s going to be hard to find a favorite. But I guess I can see if I can find a favorite. After thinking for a long time I have found an instance that I can call my favorite and that is: The Dead Mines. I remember I always went to that dungeon when I was leveling with friends and guild mates. Even when I was a higher level I always went to the dungeon to help people out. I know everything about the instance, so if anyone needed to know anything they would ask me.

Part 1 of Deadmines map.
Anyway, I love going though dungeons so much I leveled my main Paladin by only tanking in dungeons. (Tanking is taking all the damage so all the other players in your group don’t get hit and die while a healer is healing the tank for those players that don’t know what tanking is yet. :D) I don’t like doing dungeons when I’m a DPS (DPS is doing damage to the mobs of monsters so you can kill the mobs and if you get hit then the healer will most likely heal you) because I like to be the leader and listen to the group. Also I sometimes go in an instance as a healer and heal the group. (Healers job is to heal everyone in the group and keep everyone alive during the period of the dungeon.)

Part 2 of Deadmines map.
Well to get back on topic, my favorite is the dead mines; I said dead mines because the question is “your favorite classic instance. For my readers I have a question for you. What is your favorite dungeon (you can just say a sentence or paragraph, I read everything and answer back. Once again thanks everyone for reading and I hope I read from you soon. Check back for the next post tomorrow or later today, Thanks.

Well because the title says Classic, BC, WotLK and Cata I will name my favorite zone in each expansion  First I will tell you my most favorite of all time, why?, because the most favorite of all time is in the Classic WoW and that is the Night Elf area, Teldrassil. The reason I like this area is because it has a lot of nurture wildlife and animals in it. My first Character was a Night Elf so that was the first place i ever discover on my own and with no help at all. I know where everything is if someone asked me if they need to get somewhere then I could find them the place really fast. 

The Second place is in BC places in the Outlands. My favorite place there is Nagrand. This place is the best place to play in because this is the best normal place in the Outlands. The reason i don't like the other places in the Outlands is because I'm really big in design and the design of the Outlands is not that great for me. Also I didn't like the questing in all the other places in the Outlands. These answers are short because I could spend hours writing about the areas I like and love but then you guys wouldn't want to read it all so I'm shorting them up to little. Anyways back to what I was telling you guys about. I didn't like the questing in the Outlands and just Nagrand was my favorite area for questing.

The third place is in WotLK, Sholazar Basin, the reason for this is because I love the trees and the different animals there and the quest line was the best part, well other than the music. Just the music got me to like the area. I love questing if you have not guessed already. Sholazar Basin is the best place I find to quest and level the best.

The fourth and last place I’m going to talk about is in the Cata expansion and that is Uldum this place reminded me of the Egypt, well that’s what it supposed to look like anyways. I have always like Egypt, how it looks and the culture there. Uldum is my favorite because when I’m there it feels like I live there. What I mean by that is sometimes when I’m playing WoW, this might happened to some people to, is that I feel like I’m there, helping the people of Uldum. Anyways I like Uldum because the quest line is the best in all of Cata’s places in that expansion. Also the place looks really nice, the design of the wind blowing the sand everywhere and the texture of the sandy ground it amazing (on Ultra Graphics).

The class that I’m really bad at playing is the one that I don’t play that much. Like anyone I can’t play all my characters at one time. Right now I have been playing on my paladin (my main now) and I have not been playing my monk. I find the monk a nice fun class to play but I can’t seem to play him like the rest of my characters, what I mean by that is I have fun with him but I don’t have the same kind of fun as the rest of the classes. As of right now I can say I’m at awful playing my monk, not because its new, just because of the play style I’m not used to. I have tried to play my monk a lot but it doesn't work out of me. I’m used to a tank like my paladin so I have been trying a druid to see if I can tank on that and get away from the paladin. The reason why I want to get away from playing a paladin is because I have been playing it for a long time and I just want to try a new class and race while having fun in World of Warcraft.

Another class that I’m bad at playing is a warlock. I don’t get why because I’m good at playing a mage but the play style is the same. I just don’t get how I can’t play it that well when I can play a mage right. I was trying a warlock but I just can’t play it as well as I do any other class. So anyways the monk class is the class that I’m the worst at playing. This post is a shorter one because I have been busy today but tomorrow’s will be bigger because I’m off.

This is my Druid right now.
 Well to start this Blog post I’m going to say that I’m not going to say the person’s character name; I will just say his name is Jim. Where do I start? Ah here we go. It was in the summer of 2011 when Jim came up to me and said “Do you want to be in a nice friendly guild” me being me I said “sure why not” well that was the worst mistake in my whole WoW career because of what happened during my stay in this guild. The stay at first was really nice, everyone was friendly and I helped people and they helped me. Just like a normal guild does, but then the night of the next week. Jim said he had to go and get off vent (Ventrilo, a speaking service) so he did and I just kept playing because that’s what I do I play the game to have fun. While he was gone I had to go for dinner, so I went and had dinner with my family as I normally do. 

  This time was different; it was different because when I logged off I got kicked from that guild. By that time I already helped a lot of people and gave the guild all my stuff because I thought I would be with this guild for a long time. Like anyone would, I asked why I was kick without a reason, they responded and I really rude why. They were swearing every word saying that I ninja looted their guild bank. To top it all off the GM (Guild Master of the guild spammed in trade chat (also known as /2 or city wide chat) that I should never be trusted with being in a guild and I’m whole good reputation on that Realm/Server or demonised. I had to switch my realm and get a faction change (to go over to the other side of the game.) I now have a really nice guild with a few friends that would never do that so I got it fixed. But I had to call blizzard to report Jim for all the things he did to me. I just don’t get the reason behind wreaking the fun experience in playing this video game. If I see anyone doing that to someone I will talk to the person that is getting picked on and try and help them out. I have been thought really bad times in world of Warcraft and I don’t want anyone else having the same experience.

Who wants to pay for someone to bug them and make everyone hate them, no one does. I hope that the people that do this kind of thing sees this and think twice before they do the same thing or anything like it to someone else. I guess I get into the questions into detail, that’s why I started this blog and to share with the people on the internet what I have to say. Thanks for reading my blog post today check back for more blog post later today or tomorrow.

My first character on World of Warcraft was a Night Elf Hunter. His name was Mythorin he was my best character. It took me 2 weeks at the start to get to level 5. That might sound like I was not playing the game, but I was. I was playing the game non-stop for those 2 weeks. I got him up to about level 26 and I accidently deleted it. But since then I started Night elf rouge. I always wanted to start a Death Knight but I was not the level required to make one (level 55) so I did dungeons all the time trying to get to level 55. Then it was time, I got to level 55. I stop playing my rogue right away and he’s never moved from level 55. I started a Death Knight and at that moment I was so happy to get to be a death knight. Then I went through the Death Knight starting area, that was the longest starting area I have ever experienced in the whole time I have played WoW till Mists of Pandaria (also known as MoP). Shortly after I got out of the death knight starting area the death knight experience became dull. So I went back to being a hunter, I always loved being a hunter. The reason why I love being a hunter is because I grew up with pets in my house and being a hunter lets you have a pet to help you fight and have an adventure with. I’ve found that the hunter class is a really fun class to play when you know how to play it. As you can see I can talk about the hunter class for a long time so that’s why I have decided to blog about the hunter class after the 30 day WoW Challenge.

So anyways back to the question, my first real character that I played every day and got up to the max level 85 (at the time of levelling him) is my dwarf hunter. I started him because I loved my Night elf hunter that got deleted. My friends that I still enjoy playing the game with said to make a hunter again. So i made a hunter again and I levelled him while switching from alliance to horde a lot because of issues that I will talk about later on in my blog postings. I switched him about 3 times to present day. Right now he’s on the horde side. I will link his profile page at the bottom of this post. Thanks everyone for checking out my post for today. I will have next post tomorrow.

My Hunters Profile Link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/dentarg/Thunderhunt/simple


    Finnixx- My Main Horde toon.
    My Mage


    My name is Matthew Thoms  I enjoy playing World of Warcraft also Known as WoW. I also am interested in design. This blog is going to be about anything WoW related. If you have any blog topics please feel free to send them to my twitter or comment them on the bottom of any blog post and I will try to get a post down with that topic. Thanks.


    April 2013


    30 Wow Posts Blogging Challange
    Interesting Facts About Me

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